
转官网spring data支持Elasticsearch版本一览_hills_spring-data-elasticsearch版本

irpas 6744


序Spring Data Elasticsearch及版本特性支持Elasticsearch版本备注1Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.2Support for custom routing valuesElasticsearch 7.10.0 2Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.11、Improved API for alias management. 2、Introduction of ReactiveIndexOperations for index management. 3、Index templates support. 4、Support for Geo-shape data with GeoJson.Elasticsearch 7.9.3Uses Spring 5.33Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.01、Deprecation of TransportClient usage. 2、Implements most of the mapping-types available for the index mappings. 3、Removal of the Jackson ObjectMapper, now using the MappingElasticsearchConverter 4、Cleanup of the API in the *Operations interfaces, grouping and renaming methods so that they match the Elasticsearch API, deprecating the old methods, aligning with other Spring Data modules. 5、Introduction of SearchHit<T> class to represent a found document together with the relevant result metadata for this document (i.e. sortValues). 6、Introduction of the SearchHits<T> class to represent a whole search result together with the metadata for the complete search result (i.e. max_score). 7、Introduction of SearchPage<T> class to represent a paged result containing a SearchHits<T> instance. 8、Introduction of the GeoDistanceOrder class to be able to create sorting by geographical distance 9、Implementation of Auditing Support 10、Implementation of lifecycle entity callbacksElasticsearch 7.6.2Uses Spring 5.24Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.21、Secured Elasticsearch cluster support with Basic Authentication and SSL transport. 2、Reactive programming support with Reactive Elasticsearch Operations and Reactive Elasticsearch Repositories. 3、Introduction of the ElasticsearchEntityMapper as an alternative to the Jackson ObjectMapper. 4、Field name customization in @Field. 5、Support for Delete by Query.Elasticsearch 6.8.1 


标签: #data #ElasticSearch #42Support #for