
模板匹配 +测量_Σ?συφο?1900

未知 5644



* In this example a fill level check for the * pharmaceutical industry is demonstrated. The task is * to check for the fill level of each single nose drop ampoule. * To do so, we first locate each ampoule head by applying * shape-based matching, then we find the fill level * by measuring the gray level change using a 1D Measuring. * * dev_close_window () dev_update_off () read_image (Image, 'ampoules/ampoules_01') get_image_size (Image, Width, Height) dev_open_window_fit_image (Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, WindowHandle) dev_set_line_width (2) dev_set_draw ('margin') set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') * * Create a model for the ampoule head to align the measure handle gen_rectangle1 (Rectangle, 230, 280, 317, 330) reduce_domain (Image, Rectangle, ImageModel) *创建一个模板,用这个模板去匹配所有能找到的图像 create_shape_model (ImageModel, 'auto', 0, 0, 'auto', 'auto', 'use_polarity', 'auto', 'auto', ModelID) * * Initialize the measure handle * 创建一个测量矩形 Tolerance := 15 * * Determine the fill level NumImages := 8 gen_measure_rectangle2 (0, 0, rad(90), 75, 20, Width, Height, 'bilinear', MeasureHandle) for Index := 1 to NumImages by 1 read_image (Image, 'ampoules/ampoules_' + Index$'.2d') ColumnEdges := [] FillLevelHeight := [] * 使用模板匹配来找到每一份图像中的所有的模板 find_shape_model (Image, ModelID, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 0.1, 'least_squares', 0, 0.9, Row, Column, Angle, Score) * 匹配到的那个模板的平均行的位置 MeanRow := mean(Row) * 平均行的位置-160 就是我们做的一个标准的位置 RefLevel := MeanRow - 160 * Display tolerance area dev_display (Image) dev_set_line_width (1) dev_set_color ('white') * 画一个合格的区间范围 gen_rectangle2 (AcceptLevel, RefLevel, mean(Column), 0, 30 + (max(Column) - min(Column)) / 2, Tolerance) dev_display (AcceptLevel) dev_set_line_width (2) * * Determine fill level of each ampoule nums:=|Score| Errors := 0 for Idx := 0 to nums - 1 by 1 * translate_measure( : : MeasureHandle, Row, Column )(选用) *名字:转换一个度量对象 *描述:一般用于一个程序中有很多测量矩形的情况,当使用第二个测量矩形时,不需要重新 gen_measure_rectangle2生成,将第二个测量矩形的中心坐标放到该算子的第二、三个参数当中即可,其第一个参数得到的句柄就相当于使用gen_measure_rectangle2算子正常生成的测量矩形句柄。然后使用measure_pos对该句柄进行正常计算。 *参数: *MeasureHandle:测量句柄 *Row:新参考点的行坐标 *Column :新参考点 newrow:=MeanRow - 135 translate_measure (MeasureHandle, newrow, Column[Idx]) * 新的基准 dev_set_color ('pink') gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross2, newrow, Column[Idx], 40, 45) * Search for the topmost edge measure_pos (Image, MeasureHandle, 2, 7, 'all', 'first', RowEdge, ColumnEdge, Amplitude, Distance) *测量得到的高度值 FillLevelHeight := [FillLevelHeight,RowEdge] * ColumnEdges := [ColumnEdges,ColumnEdge] * * 画个查号 dev_set_color ('blue') gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, RowEdge, ColumnEdge, 15, 0) gen_rectangle2 (FillLevel, RowEdge, ColumnEdge, 0, 28, 20) if (abs(FillLevelHeight[Idx] - RefLevel) >= Tolerance) gen_rectangle2 (ChamberSingle, MeanRow - 133, Column[Idx], 0, 35, 90) gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, FillLevelHeight[Idx], ColumnEdges[Idx], 15, 0) gen_rectangle2 (FillLevel, FillLevelHeight[Idx], ColumnEdges[Idx], 0, 28, 20) Errors := Errors + 1 dev_set_color ('red') dev_display (ChamberSingle) disp_message (WindowHandle, 'NG', 'image', FillLevelHeight[Idx] - 50, ColumnEdges[Idx] - 10, 'red', 'false') else disp_message (WindowHandle, 'OK', 'image', FillLevelHeight[Idx] - 50, ColumnEdges[Idx] - 10, 'green', 'false') dev_set_color ('green') endif dev_display (FillLevel) dev_display (Cross) endfor stop() * * Check, whether the fill level is within the allowed range - does not deviate too much * from average fill level * * Display statistics if (Errors > 0) disp_message (WindowHandle, Errors + ' BAD', 'window', 10, 12, 'red', 'true') else disp_message (WindowHandle, 'All OK', 'window', 10, 12, 'forest green', 'true') endif if (Index < NumImages) disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, 'black', 'true') stop () endif endfor


标签: #模板匹配 #测量 #in #This #example #a #fill